Tatted Christmas Wreath Pattern
By Samantha Melnychuk 2000
Feel free to print out a copy or two, give it to friends, sell any you make, just be sure to credit me as designer please.:)
Ch Chain
R Ring
P Picot
+ Picot Join
C&T Cut and Tie
B Bead
BBB Three Beads
RW Reverse Work
prev. Previous
The wreath in the picture was made with size 8 DMC perle cotton, colour
998 and the beads are red with silver lining. The finished piece has a diameter
of 3 inches.
Shuttle and Ball work, 24 beads on shuttle thread, 24 beads on chain thread.
Don't forget to put three beads on the ring before you start tatting. All
ring joins are beaded in rounds one and three.
Round One:
R: 6-2 BBB 2-6 RW
Ch: 4 B 3 B 3 B 4 RW
*R: 6+(to last P on prev. R) 2 BBB 2-6 RW
Ch: 4 B 3 B 3 B 4 RW*
Repeat * to * until you have 7 rings and 7 chains
R: 6+(to last P on prev. R) 2 BBB 2 + (to first P on first R) 6 RW
Ch: 4 B 3 B 3 B 4 Join to base of first ring DO NOT C&T
Round Two:
Ch: 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3+(to base of next R)
Continue doing this all the way around round one. C&T
Round Three:
*R: 2-2-2-2+(to center P of Ch in prev. round) 2-2-2-2 RW
Ch: 3-3-3-3-3-3+(to 5th P of Ch in prev. round)
Ch: 1-1-1-1 +(to 2nd P of next Ch in prev. round)
Ch: 3-3-3-3-3-3 RW*
Repeat * to * until you have gone all the way around C&T